Charts (by Region) — May 2024
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Summary Indices
1aThe Index of Consumer Sentiment
1baCurrent Component of the Sentiment Index
1bbExpected Component of the Sentiment Index
Personal Finances
6Current Financial Situation Compared with a Year Ago
7aHigher Prices as Reasons for Worse Personal Finances
7bIncome Reasons for Changes in Personal Finances
7cWealth Reasons for Changes in Personal Finances
8Expected Change in Financial Situation in a Year
9Annual Trend in Past and Expected Household Finances
10Current Financial Situation Compared with 5 Years Ago
11Expected Change in Financial Situation in 5 Years
12Five Year Trend in Past and Expected Household Finances
13Expected Household Income Change During the Next Year
14Expected Change in Real Income During the Next Year
15Probability That Personal Income Will Increase During the Next Year
16Probability of Real Income Gains During the Next 5 Years
17Probability of Losing a Job in the Next 5 Years
Savings and Retirement
18Probability Retirement Income Will be Adequate
19Change in Likelihood of Comfortable Retirement
20Probability of An Increase in Stock Market Price in the Next Year
21Current Value of Stock Market investments
22Current Market Value of Primary Residence
Economic Conditions
23News Heard of Recent Changes in Business Conditions
24aNews Heard About Price Changes
24bNews Heard About Change in Employment
24cNews Heard About Government Economic Policies
25Current Business Conditions Compared with a Year Ago
26Expected Change in Business Conditions in a Year
27Trend in Past and Expected Business Conditions
28Business Conditions Expected During the Next Year
29Business Conditions Expected During the Next Five Years
Unemployment, Interest Rates, Prices, Government Expectations
30Expected Change in Unemployment During the Next Year
31Expected Change in Interest Rates During the Next Year
32Expected Change in Prices During the Next Year
33Expected Change in Prices During the Next 5 Years
34Opinions About the Government's Economic Policy
Household Durables Buying Conditions
35Buying Conditions for Large Household Durables
36aPrice References for Large Household Durables
36b1Buying in Advance of Prices for Large Household Durables
36b2Buying in Advance of Rates for Large Household Durables
36cInterest Rate Reasons for Large Household Durables
36dEconomic Uncertainty Reasons for Large Household Durables
Vehicle Buying Conditions
37Buying Conditions for Vehicles
38aPrice Reasons for Buying Conditions for Vehicles
38b1Buying in Advance of Prices for Buying Conditions for Vehicles
38b2Buying in Advance of Rates for Buying Conditions for Vehicles
38cInterest Rate Reasons for Buying Conditions for Vehicles
38dEconomic Uncertainty Reasons for Buying Conditions for Vehicles
39Expected Change in Gasoline Prices During the Next Year
40Expected Change in Gasoline Prices During the Next 5 Years
Home Buying and Selling Conditions
41Buying Conditions for Houses
42aPrice Reasons for Buying Conditions for Houses
42b1Buying in Advance of Prices for Buying Conditions for Houses
42b2Buying in Advance of Rates for Buying Conditions for Houses
42cInterest Rate Reasons for Buying Conditions for Houses
42dEconomic Uncertainty Reasons for Buying Conditions for Houses
42eCapital Gain Reasons for Buying Conditions for Houses
43Selling Conditions for Houses
44aPrice Reasons for Selling Conditions for Houses
44b1Selling in Advance of Prices for Selling Conditions for Houses
44b2Selling in Advance of Rates for Selling Conditions for Houses
44cInterest Rate Reasons for Selling Conditions for Houses
44dEconomic Uncertainty Reasons for Selling Conditions for Houses
44eCapital Gain Reasons for Selling Conditions for Houses
45Change in Home Values During the Past Year
46Expected Change in Home Values During the Next Year
47Expected Change in Home Values During the Next Five Years