Frequently Asked Questions

When is the data website updated with the most recent data?
We update our main site at the time of each release with a summary, key indicators, and select data. The data on this site is posted after a one month public embargo, so the most recent data will become public 30 days after final release.

What is the difference between the preliminary and final release?
We target approximately 420 cases for the preliminary reading, but the exact number fluctuates depending on interview schedules. The final reading typically reflects about 600 observations. Interview dates, data release dates, as well as a survey description are available on the Survey Information page.

How can I access more granular data?
To obtain microdata for additional analysis, please see the Cross-Section Archive link under the Data tab.

Who are the interviewees? Are they all college students?
The surveys employ a simple random sample selected from a list of all possible cell telephone numbers in the 48 coterminous States and the District of Columbia to yield a sample that is nationally representative. Please see our Survey Description linked on the Survey Information page for more details.

What questions are included in the Index of Consumer Sentiment?
Please see our documentation on Index Calculations, linked on the Survey Information page for more details on how the index is constructed.

I am interested in the requirements to obtain reprint permission for data published in the University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers report.
Any data, tables, or charts available to the public on our main website can be used without permission. We ask that you recreate charts you wish to use and cite our data as "University of Michigan, Survey Research Center, Surveys of Consumers."

How do I become a subscriber/how can I receive your reports?
Please email with inquiries.

I have a question not answered here
Please email for assistance.